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We have our headquarter at Pune, India.
Get Involved
There is hope…provided you help!
In Enhance’s quest to help rehabilitate those who have undergone or are undergoing Head and Neck traumas be it as a result of cancer and its treatment or an accident, everyone is expected to chip in their bit.
Put together these bits shall expectedly become a bite, a bite big enough to fight and rehabilitate those affected.
Cancer patients and those undergoing rehab need people to look after them on a daily basis. One can volunteer to help with daily living doing simple chores like assisting in moving around, getting medication, helping with food as also eating (remember, they may have very obvious and visible head and neck issues needing help), helping out with paperwork of every kind including finances, property, inheritances etc., in order, helping visit place and people etc.
India is not a country of the well-offs. And it is seriously over populated. For the teeming majority here, staying alive after cancer treatment or accidents is attribute to divine intervention. Rehab, despite being crucial comes way down the priority list. CHANGE THIS. Support the underprivileged patients financially. It could include:
- Sponsoring the entire rehab (or part thereof) of one patient or a number of them through Enhance.
- Supporting Enhance in procuring equipment’s which can facilitate rehab to larger numbers in need.
Given the sheer number of those needing maxillofacial rehab in India, the number of available facilities and/ or professionals leaves much to be desired. Through Enhance, you can help promising individuals fund their education in the field be it short term or long term besides funding research, the building of infrastructure and facilities. Possibilities exist. What is called for is empathy and resultant action.
- A software engineer who helps design apps to make lives easier for Doctors, Patients and Care-givers alike!
- An event-management firm which helps design events that helps get the right message across be it within the profession or to the general public.
- Medical and related equipment manufacturers & retailers who can help design and supply their wares in ways which make prosthetics & rehab better and cost-effective.
- Language experts & marketers who help spread the good word in the right manner to a larger audience.
- Artists and people from creative backgrounds who help spread the message about maxillofacial rehab being affordable and essential and that congenital conditions like cleft-palate are entirely curable with those born with it being as normal as others.
- Media houses which can help create the right buzz for the right set of ears. It could include information about prevention of conditions leading to debilitating afflictions like cancer, their identification at the right stage, persons/ bodies to be approached in case of need. The could also help air programs meant for doctors and caregivers!
Knowledge brings in the difference! Enhance invites all like-minded folks be they individuals or institutions, including corporates to contribute their mite to the process of knowledge-sharing in the field of Head & Neck trauma rehabilitation. Together we shall bring relief and together we shall grow!
The dictionary meaning of the world is to give towards a cause. Money could just be one form. You could donate time, efforts and your enthusiasm towards helping patients of head and neck trauma including cancer.
Events are a great way to highlight the field of Maxillofacial care. It could be a musical event, a marathon, a high-tea, a lunch/ dinner meet or anything that could highlight what patients can go in the name of rehabilitation.
Endless possibilities exist for those wanting to volunteer! Our clinic, our events, our awareness programs could be the right platform for those of you wanting to volunteer for the cause. Be a campaigner, an announcer, an ushrer or even simply helping our volunteers. What is important is to DO IT! On Enhance’s behalf, you could go online, on air at the local FM station or even at the local theatre and campaign!
- Have the desire to help others
- Are a good listener
- Possess good telephone communication skills
- Are proficient with a computer and emails
- Are willing to learn more about oral, head and neck cancer, their treatments and likely rehabilitation efforts
For those of you proficient at funding (including crowd funding), Enhance is THE organization to work with for sure! You could work at your convenience at events of your choice and help Enhance procure funds for its activity!
In India we need to create awareness about cancer and trauma rehab. Campaign with us to create awareness amongst the most affected. Campaigns can also be done before political entities to increase their awareness to take steps in the right direction.
You could be in the same line of activity or something related to cancer and trauma rehab or you could be totally unrelated. What is essential here is the feeling towards those who need help. Join us to make it easier for folks to go through the trauma.