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Appointment booking

With an aim to use technology to deliver high quality advice on prevention, diagnosis and treatment of head and cancer, Enhance introduces teleconsulting facility for its patients.

Reach us in one of the following ways:

WhatsApp: +919421591005

Email to:

Call: +919421591005/ +912025285798

Send us a request on WhatsApp or email

Make your payment

Our team will call to fix an appointment

Get a call* from our specialist

Get the summary of doctor's advice on email

*We have observed that most of our patients prefer to have a WhatsApp video call or a Zoom Call. We can set it up as per your preference.

Need an expert opinion?

Mail us today:

Call us today:


No, the Teleconsultation should not be considered as a substitute for an in-person visit. While there are situations where physical examination and face-to-face consultation aid better decision making, that is not always the case.

You will be able to speak with the doctor only through a video consultation after booking an appointment with him. you cannot directly call and talk to a doctor here.

  • Please keep relevant reports ready on the day of consult.
    It is preferable to have only one relative along with you during the teleconsult.
  • Please maintain the decorum like in a regular OPD visit.
  • Please make sure you are in a quiet area with good network connectivity.

You can pay through Credit / Debit Cards, Net Banking, Pay Wallets (or) UPI.

Invoice will be sent to the user’s registered email-id.

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