*We have observed that most of our patients prefer to have a WhatsApp video call or a Zoom Call. We can set it up as per your preference.
Mail us today: Call us today: No, the Teleconsultation should not be considered as a substitute for an in-person visit. While there are situations where physical examination and face-to-face consultation aid better decision making, that is not always the case. You will be able to speak with the doctor only through a video consultation after booking an appointment with him. you cannot directly call and talk to a doctor here. You can pay through Credit / Debit Cards, Net Banking, Pay Wallets (or) UPI. Appointment booking
WhatsApp: +919421591005
Email to: info@ehnrin.com
Call: +919421591005/ +912025285798
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It is preferable to have only one relative along with you during the teleconsult.